Category: Coaching
Want an Immediate Boost to Your Productivity? Reduce Your Calls-to-Close
As we step into a new year with freshly assigned goals, there’s no better time to ensure you have a defined strategy to achieve those goals. While there are a few key sales metrics you can focus on to boost your productivity—whether as an individual advisor, a team, or a firm—reducing your “calls-to-close” is one…
Read MoreONE Guiding Principle That Sets You Apart
A 10-year growth study of 50,000 brands shows that companies who put improving people’s lives at the center of all they do have growth rates that are triple that of their competitors, and they outperform the market by 383%. Jim Stengel study of business growth in collaboration with Millward Brown Optimor A study of 500…
Read MoreThe Demographic Challenge Facing The Wealth Management Industry©
25 YEARS The wealth management business has seen stunning growth over the past 25 years. In fact, according to research published in the Financial Times, the average annual financial market growth of over the 10-year period from 2012-2021 pushed global private client wealth to an estimated level of $360 trillion.1 But there are significant headwinds. First,…
Read MoreThe Role of the Advisor in an AI World
Given the extremely high level of responses we received in our last article – This is Your Wake-Up Call – Are You Prepared to Deliver Value in an AI World? – we thought it worthwhile to stay on this topic and provide some additional thoughts and perspectives, expanding a bit on our point-of-view pertaining to the…
Read MoreThis is Your Wake-Up Call – Are You Prepared to Deliver Value in an AI World?
I’m starting this piece out with a little personal perspective about a point we believe is vitally important. After more than 25 years working in the wealth management industry as an advisor, market leader, and executive leader, in early 2005, I left the industry for 7 years to work in a completely different field (education).…
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If not, you’re missing a HUGE growth opportunity">Are Your Client Teams on the Same Page?
If not, you’re missing a HUGE growth opportunity
A wealth management executive leader recently asked us a fundamentally important question that not enough leaders ask … but should. This insightful question came at the end of an hour-long discussion in which their leadership team was seeking ways to drive organic growth. The question she asked was … “How do we get our teams…
Read MoreSix Key Mistakes in Wealth Management Discovery
“The achieve our growth objectives, the first thing we need to get right is our Discovery Process.” – Bank Wealth Management Executive Few would argue with this executive’s claim. Discovery is unquestionably one of the most important aspects of developing engagement with prospects and is equally as important in maintaining a deep understanding of your…
Read MoreAdvisor Development: It’s Time to Make a Change Part II
In our last blog Advisor Development: It’s Time to Make a Change we shared our perspective on the importance of changing your approach to “sales training” to achieve the results you are seeking. We (expectedly) received a few inquiries asking: “What about coaching? Isn’t that the best way to develop advisors to ensure any training provided…
Read MoreLessons From Facebook: Why “Personalization” Is Not Enough
Facebook, the godfather of all the social media apps that have become ubiquitous in our society today, just recently turned 20 years old. I am sure Mark Zuckerberg never imagined in those early days that what started as a simple platform to make it easier to connect fellow Harvard students would one day become one…
Read MoreAdvisor Development: It’s Time to Make a Change
Just about every client we work with in the wealth management arena tells us that 20-30% of their advisors generate 60-80% of their revenue –meaning most advisors in the business are not meeting their production targets. Think of the lift to your revenue production if you could even get half of these underperforming advisors meeting…
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