Expanding Expertise (and Production) One Subject at a Time
As salespeople, it is easy to fall into a routine – a pattern of activity which becomes comfortable. Routines can be positive, providing structure to what are often harried days. However, routines can lead you to become stale. Try this to change tracks. Invest 30 to 60 minutes over the next two days becoming an authority on a particular product or issue. For example: Why invest internationally or the merits of equity style diversification?
Then develop a compelling message you can deliver in 30 seconds and write down three standard “how” questions which will open up your clients to investigating the issue with you further. For example, “How have you made the decision to not invest in international securities?” or “How have you evaluated the importance of international investments in your portfolio?”
Once this is done, identify 15 current clients you will call in the next week, three per day, to discuss the issue. The rewards will be tremendous as you will find great sales opportunities with existing clients and you will broaden your base of product knowledge – a capability which will pay dividends for years to come.
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