Five Mistakes in Prospect Meetings Undermining your Sales Results

Five Mistakes Made in Meetings

Our clients frequently ask us to actively participate in pre-call planning sessions as advisor teams plan for prospect meetings. From these engagements, we’ve identified five fundamental mistakes that we see occurring time and again. The reality is these mistakes also undermine the results of many experienced advisors as certain habits unwittingly developed over time become ingrained in their approach to the sales experience.

To highlight the impact of correcting these mistakes…

In a recent engagement, we were asked to participate in pre-call planning meetings for 9 new business opportunities. Through the implementation of a defined pre-call planning framework focused on maximizing the impact of the sales experience (which also specifically addresses these 5 common mistakes), our client generated over $200 million in new assets – the majority of which resulted in a one or two-call close – capturing 97% of the potential assets on the table.


If advisors really think about how they can approach each prospect situation with greater intentionality regarding these five issues, there are specific results that will assuredly accrue from these efforts:

Differentiation from competitor advisors

Prospect recognition of immediate value in the very first engagement

Higher close ratios

An acceleration of the sales process (fewer calls-to-close)

An increase in the revenue generated per-sale


To help our clients maximize the impact of the experience they deliver, we’ve developed the advisor2.0© Program, designed to equip individual advisors or entire wealth management teams with the strategies, skills, and practices that will lead to the consistent delivery of a differentiated client experience and enhanced productivity in today’s world of wealth management. Click, "LET'S START A CONVERSATION" below to learn more.

About Rick Swygman and David Greene